Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Here comes Jolie cottontail

Easter this year was great! Lots of family time, good food, and of course candy! Everyone came to my mom's house for Easter so that was nice. Joe was still in Orlando so he wasn't there but we left to go down there 3 days later so we celebrated our Easter together down there. The day before Easter my best friend Anna and her husband Chad came down to visit us! They had gotten Jolie the sweetest white whicker Easter basket with a hot pink polka dot liner filled with all sorts of treats for Jolie! I can honestly say I have the most amazing friends ever! Anna always finds the cutest things for Jolie. In her basket she had a few board books for Jolie, and easter egg shaped plate, a super soft stuffed pink hippo, a pink tank top with a sweet sunflower jacket and pink socks! What a lucky girl I have! Anna and Chad are so good to us! They both are going to make a wonderful parents one day! Joe's mom had also sent a really nice Easter basket package for Jolie too! It was loaded with books, videos, candy, stuffed animals, swimsuits, bathrobes, 2 really nice dresses, and a little summer outfit too! WHEW! What a blessing! Here are a few pictures from Easter... Jolie also saw the Easter bunny too but I can't find the picture CD from that just yet, but hopefully soon I'll locate that and be able to post it on here!

Jolie's casual outfit for her first Easter!!

Jolie's Easter dress that my mom got her before she was even born!

What a CPR to Lampchop!

Grammy, Papa, & Jolie

My mom, brother & I

She's the happiest with no clothes on! ;)

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