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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Swinging Saturdays & Strolling Sundays

It has been a beautiful week here in SC. Last Saturday the sun was shining so I decided it was perfect weather to take a trip to the local park and take Jolie for a swing/stroll. I had planned to go to Heritage Park in Simpsonville, and I thought I knew where it was but due to me being directionally challeneged, after I was there I realized it was the old park in, but either way there was a walking path so no loss. First we took a walk around the baseball fields where there were a few little league games going on. Then we tried the swings. This was Jolie's first time in an outdoor swing and she LOVED it. She was giggling like crazy. She definitely didn't want to leave but it was almost lunch time so after 30 or so minutes of swinging we packed up and headed home.

Ready for a walk!

Yay for swings!


After we got home I wanted to continue the fun at home so we had some lunch then headed out to Toy's R Us to get our very own swing for the backyard. I thought about buying a swingset but after taking a look at the prices for a nice wooden set ($2,000!) I decided to opt for just the baby swing and look for a better "deal" on the swingsets.

Our very own swing

While I was at Toys R Us I also picked up a swim school (it's a float that helps get babies aquainted with water and has a few blow up toys to keep them occupied too) I figured this would be perfect for our upcoming trip to Orlando. I have a feeling she is going to love the pool if bathtime is any indication of her feelings toward water! :o)

Sunday was yet another incredibly beautiful day outside. I was talking to my brother on the phone and he mentioned that him and Celeste and her 2 boys were going to go to Cleveland and Falls Park downtown so I asked if he minded if Jolie & I tagged along and of course Uncle Timmy said sure! I had been wanting to check out the park there but I had never been there and I didn't want to venture out there on my own so this was the perfect opportunity! I hadn't been downtown in such a long time that I had NO idea how beautiful it is down there now! They have really done an amazing job of re-doing the downtown area. I had been to the baseball stadium when Joe had a game there last year but never explored any further. Well once we arrived at Cleveland Park we got Jolie in her stroller and headed on one of the many paths. I think everyone in Greenville had the same idea as we did because the park was packed! Strollers, rollerbladers, walkers, joggers, bikers, you name it. It was such a gorgeous day though so I can't blame everyone for wanting to enjoy the fresh air. It was at least 70 degrees out but for some reason I decided to wear a sweater. Not one of the smartest things I've done but anyhow.

Once we started walking, we decided just to continue on to downtown Falls Park which is just a little over a mile walk between the two. It was really nice being able to spend time with my brother and Celeste. He's usually working during the week so we don't get to spend as much time as we used to. Here's a few pictures of our trip.

After all that park hopping, Tuesday came about and I had asked Granny Betty (my step dad Paul's mom) to show me how to make her southern banana pudding. I had a taste of some at Michelle's baby shower and have been craving it ever since! Granny Betty doesn't have a written down recipe though. She's been making it so long that she can eyeball it and say "a little of this a little of that" so that proved a little tough but I just went behind her and measured everything the best I could. It turned out so yummy! Since I was so impressed with my new baking skill I decided to try it out for my grandparents, dad, and brother over at my grandparents house the next day. It didn't turn out quite as good as the day before, but Granny Betty assured me each time I make it that I would get better. It still tasted great, just didn't look as good but no one complained! I've been trying to get more organized so hopefully next week I won't have to jam pack the whole week into one post but until then hope you don't mind reading my blog "book" :)

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